Thursday, 15 November 2007

Catch up.....

Whoops....letting it slip again - naughty, naughty.

Time for a catch up on the last couple of days prompts at HS:MS.

Today's is 'Miniature'......couldn't find anything for a while but then discovered this laying unloved and unwanted in my DS's cupboard.

Next is yesterday's ' Collect'.....I collect troll beads and have recently put them on a necklace rather than a bracelet. Might start a collection of different colour beads now!

As always....thanks for looking!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Tiresome Thursday......

Woke up thinking it was Friday today......don't ya hate when that happens?

Here's today's take on the HS:MS prompt - Anxious.

Well my DS is a bit anxious now because it's the start of exam season....he's taken one Maths exam on Tuesday and has another one tomorrow!

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Stand by your beds.......

Big visitation to our company today from Japan! Organised and chaos spring to's times like this when our MD really needs a secretary/PA not me trying to do reception duties with one hand and book hotel rooms/cars/buffets/dinner tables with the other!!!! Today's HS:MS prompt was 'confused' - well I confess right now I've cheated on this one and have taken this from t'internet. It's our world famous 'Magic Roundabout' here in Swindon - may look strange and does cause a lot of confusion to the new comer but it does work!!

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Tuesday Treat.....

Decided to visit my local 'craft village' after work today and there I found my 'excitement' for today's HS:MS prompt!!

They were either £5 each or 3 for £ what's a girl to do ?!?!?

Thanks for your comments - they're much appreciated!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Bottomless laundry basket!

Does anyone else suffer from that syndrome? I spend all weekend washing and irong and come Monday morning it's bl**dy well full again!?!?!?

Today's HS:MS prompt is 'sad'....oh God, I thought, I'll have to ask the dog to look really sad so I can take his photo but's not necessary ........

This week we are going to focus on emotions. We prompt you with one word and you translate it the best you can through your lens. Try hard as you can not to use a human face to reflect that emotion. For instance - Sad. A dying plant, a messy corner, mucky windows (we all have them at one point!)

So here's my effort, my lovely Japanese Maple......not looking too happy today. :( It now has more leaves on the ground than on it's branches.

Sunday, 4 November 2007

I've been tagged!!

Is it dangerous? LOL

Well thanks to my Scrapaholics buddy, Sandie, I've been 'tagged' so look out 7 other bloggers 'cos I'm coming to get you!!

Thanks to Sandie I have recently been tagged, so here are the rules:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs. My seven are!!

1. I was born in Germany

2. I hate ginger

3. I used to cross-stitch ('til I found scrapbooking)

4. I have 3 brothers but no sisters

5. I'm 52 in February (how did that happen?)

6. As a child my Dad's motorbike fell on me and I broke a rib (my parents didn't realise it was broken so didn't find out 'til I started school and had to have a medical!)

7. I met my DH through a dating agency! (I still want a refund...LOL)
Ummm.....who to tag?!!? Flapsi, Hels, Corinna, Jools, Steph, Lindy, Can only find 6 that haven't been 'done' already.

Now onto today 'show off sunday' photo.....

I took this while we were walking the dog on Friday (still practising my photography!) it is, of course, DD and DS posing.
Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

SPS - 03.11

Gorgeous day here in Sunny Swindon, except for waking up with a HUGE lump on the side of my neck where I must have been bitten yesterday evening when walking the dog!!

Nice, relaxing weekend in store. Nothing planned - just chilling!

Here's my SPS for today, which I changed to B&W in Elements to see if it improved me any!! LOL!!!

Friday, 2 November 2007

Early morning wake up call!

Had to get up at 4.30am this morning to go an collect DD from Gatwick Airport. She arrived back from her holiday in Cuba looking tired but happy. Think I may sneak off to my bed this afternoon for a 'siesta' - LOL.

Meanwhile here is yesterday's fridge....

and today's garden.....

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Terrific Tuesday....

Nothing especially terrific about it except the sun is shining and all is well with the world (well, my little part of it anyway.)

Favourite bit of my bedroom is my feather duvet (in the winter) along with my cushions and Ted....cosy!

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Back again....

This one was also taken yesterday at the park yesterday. Quite like the way the tree acts as a 'frame'.

Catching up again.....

Sorry I've been AWOL again but am suffering from the 'not enough hours in the day' syndrome again!

Today is bleak and miserable and so I may just stay in my PJ's all day and practise the last module of the Painting With Light workshop (using flash).

Anyhoo, here's my bathroom picture (complete with dust)

And my SP from yesterday, when I took the dog for a walk at our local park....

Back later with today's SOS!!

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Show off Sunday....

Been out and about this morning taking some 'Autumn' shots and squirrels........those little blighters won't still for long will they?

Anyhoo, here is my SOS for this week...

And my little squirrel....

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Green seat....

Today's prompt on HS:MS is Green and here's my very boring contribution....

This is my leather suite - although it's a kinda greeny-blue or even a bluey-green. Anyway it's the best I could manage today!

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry......

At least it's stopped raining today (for now!).

Listening to Radio 2 - Steve Wright (must be getting old!)

Reading - just finished Savage Garden by Mark Mills. Time for a new book!!

Today's prompt is Yellow.........all I could find were my trusty rubber gloves (how sad is that!)

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Orange Tuesday?!?

HS:MS prompt for today is Orange. Here is my recycling box! Didn't know what I was going to find that was Orange in my world 'til I came around the corner, home from work, and there it was!! LOL

Monday, 15 October 2007

In the red.....

HS:MS prompts this week - colours of the rainbow. Today's is red, so here is my red car (well a bit of it!). I've been taking pics for my Painting with Light workshop - up close and personal! Hence this photo is very up close!

Here's a couple of others I've been having a play with........

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Naughty, naughty....

Letting things slip again! Although, to be fair I've been feeling a bit 'down in the dumps' so haven't wanted to do much of anything really.'s today prompt {game}. This is Pass the Pigs....a great little game!

and yesterday's {steps}. A couple of steps in my back garden.
Once again thanks for looking!

Friday, 5 October 2007


HS:MS prompt ........Blade.

How about a blade of grass!?! LOL

Thanks for looking.

Friday fun....

Well, what a bad girl I've been this week - no posts since Monday! I just don't seem to have time and some days am totally un-inspired, like yesterday's prompt of mesh, just couldn't seem to find any!

This weekend is cybercrop fun and games on UKS, which I will be joining in with. Also I must go out and about sometime and do this week's Painting with Light module, which is 'framing your subject'.

HOpefully will upload one or two photos over the weekend......

Monday, 1 October 2007

Mediocre Monday....

Prompt for today....Wheel!

This is my DS's metal cast bike still in package from way back when. Not very exciting but the best I could come up with today!

Managed to get a couple of resonable pics of DD for the Painting with Light workshop too....

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, 30 September 2007


slipping again there. No posts for a few days again. Seems time has a nasty habbit of running away with you! Well the next module in my Painting With Light workshop is 'People' - so I was out with my DS yesterday (bribed him!) and took a few shots.

Quite like this one so it can be my SOS for this week.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Stamp, stomp, stampede....

Ooops haven't posted for a few days...been a bit low, so haven't done anything much! Feel brighter today so have taken a photo for yesterday - which is my DH's 'piggy bank' as well as a jug!

Today's prompt was stamp. Although I have quite a few, I find I don't use them much anymore....I wonder if I should sell them?

Monday, 24 September 2007

Windy Monday....

Thought the roof was going to come off this morning at about was soooo windy and sounded really horrible. Quite tempted to stay in bed - bud didn't.

Today's prompt was Dog and so, once again, here is our dog Milo.

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Show Off Sunday.....

Here's my pic for SOS - it's DH against graffiti wall and then messed with in Elements and turned blue! Don't ask what I did 'cos I haven't a clue but I thought the outcome was quite cool!

Friday, 21 September 2007

Who you lookin' at?

Today's prompt was 'stare' so here's Milo again..... doing his best!

Will try and do my 'self portrait' now too as I'm at a crop all day tomorrow!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Trying Thursday....

Had to work all day today to cover for my job share partner.....yuk! She's asked if I can do Monday as well......grrr! Oh well, went to TK Maxx in my lunch hour and spent the money that I haven't even got yet LOL!!

Today's prompt from MS:HS - Break....these bits used to be a flower pot! It broke but I keep the bits to put in the bottom of the next one I make up for drainage purposes.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Wobbly Wednesday....

Feel FAT today! boo hoo!!

It's raining today! boo hoo!!

I bought some clothes today......have to take them back 'cos I hate myself in them! boo hoo!!

Not having a very good day! boo hoo!!

Anyway, enough blubbering and here's today's 'Quirkiness' ...... fridge magnet. Should have changed it to bad before I took this shot!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Chilly Tuesday...

To suspend, be suspended or dangle. Show us 'hang' in your space today

Here's mine.....
Lovely day but there's a definate touch of Autumn in the air!
Thanks for looking!

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Super Sunday.....

Had a lovely dad with my dear Mum at Lacock and took some photos but none that were truly outstanding! This is the best of the bunch ..... so it's my SOS!

Thanks for popping in!

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Self Portrait Saturday....

Oh God.......well here goes! Taken this morning with my 'naked' face on - no make up and no glasses!

Sun is shining and all is well with the far! Got the house to myself this morning so will do the dreaded housework and then maybe a walk with my camera this afternoon for some more practice! LOL

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Trying Thursday....

Boy oh boy.........what a busy morning I had at work! My head is still spinning now - although that could be to do with the fact that I'm coming down with a cold!

Anyway here's todays photo - you've heard of curiosity killing the cat but I think Milo need to watch out as well!!
This was taken last week when I was in a playground taking photos of DD and had to leave him outside.....course, he has to have a nosey to see what we're up to doesn't he? LOL

Wicked Wednesday....

Had a fab afternoon with my friend, Sharon. We went to Pizza Hut for lunch.............yummy! Then went to the 'flicks' to see Attonment, which was fab (if a little slow in places).

When I get home at 5pm though with thoughts of 'what shall I cook them for tea', I'm told I've got to drive his lordship to Bristol to pick up another hire car as his has "blown up!" Off we race to Bristol in the rush hour traffic, not getting back 'til 7pm with kebabs all around!

Haven't done my MS:HS today as there wasn't much kissing going on in my world today......although he owes me big time now! LOL

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Turbulent Tuesday....

Was gonna go see Attonment this afternoon on my lonesome but then Sharon piped up and said lets go tomorrow (Orange Wednesday) .... so we're going to leave work at 1230, 'do lunch' and then go to the 'flicks'. Woo hoo!!

Today's prompt was print and so here is my version. It's the book I'm reading at the mo...The Pied Piper's Poison by Christopher Wallace.

Monday, 10 September 2007

Merry Monday....

But not really!

Work was manic this morning and I'm glad to be back home to the washing up, cleaning and general tidying up!

Here's my pic for today's MS-HS - Cake. It's a bit of cheat as it was taken Friday evening at my nieces' 18th birthday bash.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Sunny Sunday??

Well no sign of the sun yet - we can but hope.

Here's my pic for SOS, which was taken last week more by luck than judgement!

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Scrappin' Saturday....

Just back from an all day crop with the Swindon Scrapaholics to celebrate their 1st birthday. It was great fun and, thanks to Alli and Trudy, ran extremely smoothly. Course it helped that ScrapaJack was there for those 'extra' supplies you always need - was quite restrained and didn't buy too much (for a change!)

MS-HS on saturday it's self portrait here's mine ......

Friday, 7 September 2007

Thank Crunchie it's Friday....

Phew........made it through another week! Nice weekend to look forward to with my twin nieces 18th birthday bash tonight and an all day crop tomorrow followed by lunch out on Sunday.........yippee!!

Today's prompt was 'talk', so as 'im indoors' is never off the phone (he's a driving instructor) I thought I'd catch him 'at it' (so to speak!). The thing in his ear is not a hearing aid but a bluetooth, which he took ages to get used to and now only takes it out to go to bed!!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Feast or Famine??

Today's prompt was Feast on My Space-Her Space and so here is my offering for today....

Been doing the dreaded weekly shop today - so there's some food in the house (for now!) I may not get the usual "Mum, there's nothing to eat in this house" for a day or two!

Still haven't progressed very well with my 'to do list' - must crack on!

Wednesday, 5 September 2007


Prompt for today was 'Hold' I did!

Two in one day!

Just wanted to put some pics up that I took on Monday evening. I took myself off into the countryside 'cos I was feeling fed up and it really had the desired effect!

The light is so wonderful about an hour before sunset!