Thursday, 27 September 2007

Stamp, stomp, stampede....

Ooops haven't posted for a few days...been a bit low, so haven't done anything much! Feel brighter today so have taken a photo for yesterday - which is my DH's 'piggy bank' as well as a jug!

Today's prompt was stamp. Although I have quite a few, I find I don't use them much anymore....I wonder if I should sell them?


Charli said...

YAY - sell them - to me!! I love stamping I do!! Lovely stamp Mary! Fab pics - love the jug pic for yesterday too x

Bobs said...

I'm a stamping fiend too! I have hundreds of them, but I could still squeeze in some more!! :)

Love your shot for today and yesterday's jug is fab too.

etteY said...

yes sell them and buy new one LOL! fab jug and stamp pics! :D

Eleanor said...

ooooh, that's a wonderful stamp. We're all desperate to buy your stamps now,lol.

Jolanda said...

Great stamp and great use of the jug!