Thursday, 3 January 2008


Prompt for today:-

"Life is too short and too amazing to spend time worring about imperfection "
Ali Edwards

So I'm gonna try not to worry so much about life's imperfections, I mean is anything in life really perfect? I'm not, that's for sure, yet I do tend to be too hard on some people and don't suffer fools gladly. I shall make a real effort to try and be a bit more patient with those nearest and dearest to me (even DH!) from now on.

This photo was a deliberate blur today to show that although it's imperfect it's still a picture of me. However, most times I don't have to deliberately blur them 'cos I somehow manage to do that without trying! PMSL.


knitkath said...

You're doing great, love that photo idea!

Mary B said...

Ha Ha Ha

Gnomes said...

very clever!!!

domestic goddess said...

hehehe, love it!! said...

I love it Mary ... what a great idea.