Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Forgiven (again!)

Feeling a bit better today.......have come down off the ceiling now.

Enjoyed the cybercrop at the weekend (up to when DH ruined it all for me!) and did 7 LO's and 3 challenges. Also went to a Scrapaholix class last night..........so am well and truly 'scrapped out' now!

Just got to get sorted for the ScrapaJack retreat now..........not long! Woo hoo!

Monday, 28 April 2008

Just the one comment today....


Think that just about says it all.

Friday, 25 April 2008

It's Friday and we're off.......

The first day of the Cybercrop weekend over on UKS and I love getting all excited about these things......sad I know but so what!
I'm planning on being in my PJ's most of the weekend with everyone else fending for themselves I'm afraid! I haven't gone to mad this year buying lots of stash but hope to still be able to join in and do lots of classes and challenges with what I already have.
Mum's birthday tomorrow but she's going down to my brothers so I have to pop over and see her after work today and take her pressie and card.
Rhys was at the dentist this morning for an emergency appointment ~ he has an abcess which had to be drained and temp filling put in 'til Monday. So unplanned time off work but couldn't be helped.
Only two weeks to go 'til ScrapaJacks Retreat too............something else to look forward to!!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Oh joy.....

Don't you just love it when you've spent ages on a project and actually like it - a lot!?!? Well' I've spent about four hours this afternoon/evening on making an album for Shimelle's class for the cybercrop over on UKS......and I love it.

I was naughty and bought some new papers (which I told myself I wouldn't!) but other than that I've used bits of cardboard covered in material for the covers and my own stash for everything else. I used Basic Grey Figgy Pudding and am really pleased that they don't look 'Christmasy' at all! Can't wait to see what every one else's looks like!

Other than that it's the same old, same old....work's a drag, TV's a bore ..........TG for my hobby!! Not long until Scrapajack's Retreat and there's the CC this weekend too.....woo hoo!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Naughty, naughty

Haven't been blogging again have I?

Oh well, as it's only for me I'm not going to sweat it!

Had a lousy week at work......it was soooo very boring and the time really dragged! I just don't like doing those extra couple of hours everyday by the time I get home at 3.30 there isn't much time to get started on anything else other than the tea so I may as well be full-time BUT I DON'T WANT TOO!!!

Should get my bonus in my pay packet on Monday but by the time the good ole tax man has had his bit it shall be greatly reduced. A is still hoping to go on a cruise in September but I excpect something will crop up long before then to put paid to that plan! (Ever the eternal pessimist!)

Had a good morning at the Scrapaholix crop yesterday and this is what I managed to get done....well nearly. I finished it off at home.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Funky Friday.....

Here we are again Friday at last! Went for a walk in the park today as it was soooo nice but the forecast for Sunday is for SNOW!

Have been doing quite a lot of 'cutting and sticking' this week ~ it's very theraputic (sp?) especially my journal.

Nothing much lined up for the weekend .

Boring entry really but here's a pic of my planner that I've made for the UKS Cybercrop.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Is it just me.....

or does anyone else like quirky, silly things like this bird plant pot holder that I've just bought in TK Maxx??? I just had to have it, it's fab!! 'Course 'im indoors will think I'm 'barking' and moan about me wasting money on trash but it makes me HAPPY so sod ya!
Finally got the house re-mortgaged (took nearly 3 months!) so can may off the loans and credit card and start again. May even get a holiday this year dependant on what my bonus is like in May.
Have bought the 'thing' that I've got to alter for the Scrapajack Retreat in May........just got to figure out what to do now!