Sunday, 20 April 2008

Naughty, naughty

Haven't been blogging again have I?

Oh well, as it's only for me I'm not going to sweat it!

Had a lousy week at was soooo very boring and the time really dragged! I just don't like doing those extra couple of hours everyday by the time I get home at 3.30 there isn't much time to get started on anything else other than the tea so I may as well be full-time BUT I DON'T WANT TOO!!!

Should get my bonus in my pay packet on Monday but by the time the good ole tax man has had his bit it shall be greatly reduced. A is still hoping to go on a cruise in September but I excpect something will crop up long before then to put paid to that plan! (Ever the eternal pessimist!)

Had a good morning at the Scrapaholix crop yesterday and this is what I managed to get done....well nearly. I finished it off at home.


Jak said...

Yay! youve blogged! LOL

Your layout is fab, love the jounaling too ;)

Good to see you Sat, looking forward to the retreat and having a laugh xx

Mary B said...

That is a super LO love that photo it is priceless