Thursday, 12 November 2009

Five of the best

Today I’m reading…

I’m eating…

I’m watching…

I’m loving this blog…

Paperview           (I’m a big fan Nancy) 

And this photo…




Mary B said...

I love that photo Mary, I want to see it in a LO very soon
I wish I could make out what it is you are eating but it looks so YUMMY and gooey and delish

Amy said...

The photo is rather fabulous! What is the book like?

Mary said...

I've just started the book Amy but it seems very promising. That's a Pizza we had last night and it was yummy!

sharyncarlson said...

Very cool - love that you did the prompts in photos :)

Scrappi Sandi said...

Keep us updated on the book...looks like my sort of read! That photo is just have to scrap it!! Avatar material!! You are doing well keeping up with the prompts...I am sooo far behind!!

nancy said...

Aw, thanks Mary! You pretty much made my day! :)