Today, dear readers, we are going to discuss art journaling as I will be starting an online class on 1st March at Polka Dot
Now I have been trying to do art journaling for a year or more with very mixed results. One or two pages I like
Is this because I spend too much time looking at other people’s journals on the internet and in books instead of just ‘going with the flow’? I’m always trying to make my pages look ‘pretty’ or ‘arty’ and when I come to write my actual thoughts down on the page…..I dry up! Surely journaling should really be all about the writing rather than the ‘art work’, but what should I write? Everything and anything? Puerile and important? Past, present, future?
Does anyone else do art journaling and if so do you have any hints and tips? Do you have any links to good websites or blogs? Thanks for looking.