Thursday, 4 February 2010

Trying Thursday…..

Oh God I’m so fed up and down in the dumps!  I’ve just done two more full days at the most boring job in the world.  Megan has just received her bank statement and is being charged another £75.00 in fees (she won’t be told!!) – there’s a lot of door slamming and crying going on. Rhys still hasn’t found a job although his father thinks he’s found one for him as a double glazing salesman on commission only basis!?!!!

Music (596 x 600)

Trying for a more positive note – I completed this LO a couple of nights ago for Dolly’s 52in10 challenge and I’m quite pleased with it.

I’m also trying to complete 10 party invitations for my Mother who is organising an Emerald Anniversary party for May.  Trouble is, I’m not in the mood now!!

Sorry for such a whining post but it does be good to vent every now and then!


Lizzie said...

Ah Mary... what a fed up sort of day you've had! I hope things pick up again tomorrow. At least you get the chance to let off steam on your blog - after all, if you can't moan there, where can you?
Wishing you a better day tomorrow and a good weekend.

Cheri said...

everybody has those days. The wonderful thing is tomorrow is always just around the corner!

Scrappi Sandi said...

Life can be such a bitch!....hope you manage to claw your way out of the doldrums soon...I'm sure when we get a bit of sunshine & the spring flowers start appearing, you'll feel more works for me!! As for the bank charges..we all need to learn by our mistakes..I know I did!LOL!!

That LO is fab..chill out & have fun with those invitations! How many years is Emerald?

Mary said...

Sandi - Emerald is 55 years!!

Thanks for all your comments ~ I'm feeling a bit better today thanks!

Heather said...

I agree with the comment about feeling better when the weather improves. I hate the winter & Im itching to see some new growth on the trees to let me know that happier times are ahead! Bless you Mary - keep smiling :)

Helen Overton said...

Totally agree with the other ladies, I will definitely feel better myself once it starts being light when I finish work. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better now though.