A catching up post today, as promised.
I had a really good weekend as it was cybercrop on UKS and I managed to get 6 layouts done….some of which I’m quite pleased with.
However, the real thorn in my side at the moment is money or should I say lack there of. My husband is self-employed as a driving instructor and has been for 4 or 5 years now but we’ve never known business to be as slow as it is at the moment.
Although there are ‘signs of green shoots’ in the economic world I’m afraid it hasn’t filtered down to us yet so it will be another grim Christmas/New Year although, luckily, I have been saving a bit throughout the year which will help.
Anyway, enough doom and gloom and I know we’re not the only ones in this position, I’m sure we’ll survive somehow.
We also have another problem to solve now thanks to Dexter the rabbit! I got home from work lunchtime yesterday to find a note through my door saying that our rabbit had escaped and he was now ‘resting’ at No.1. I dutifully went over there to collect said rabbit and deposit him back in the garden. 10 minutes later I went out to check on him and he’d gone again!! Luckily he hadn’t strayed too far and so I managed to catch him and he’s now ‘confined to quarters’ until we can build higher walls/fences…..the little bugger!
I went with DH to see 2012 last night and all I can say is…………………………..what a load of cobblers!! It was far too long and full of Hollywood clichés. The acting was wooden, the attempts at humour were woeful and the special effects weren’t that ‘special’. DH said if he had gone by himself he would have walked out after half an hour!! Have you seen it yet? What did you think?